Saturday, December 26, 2009

There are three important and essential needs in our life, which help us to continue living, and they are water, air, and food. Without water, no one can live long; without air, no one can breathe and without food, no one can sustain longer. In this essay I will discuss about one of the needs, which is water. I will focus on the current water crisis all over the world, and how it is affecting us badly. From where do we get the water or in other word what is the water cycle? It is the constant exchange or movement of water, which starts from evaporation from all water sources such as oceans, sea, land, plants, animals, etc. Then it moves to the air, where the precipitation process occurs from water vapor and falls to earth or ocean. After that, the water usually runs off from the land reaching the sea, and all these process will constantly repeat ( at the importance of water, makes us wonder what the consequences will be if the water is polluted or misused or there isn’t enough water left. Any cause of water crisis would lead to severe consequences in both the short-term and long-term. For example if there isn’t enough safe water for 884 million people all over the world, this might cause lots of death. Another example is the shortage of water for sanitation and waste discarding for large numbers of people. The overuse of groundwater, might lead to diminishing the agricultural yield. The pollution and overdraft of water resources would harm the environment including the Human beings. Speaking of pollution, there are four unhealthily water cycles we have, such as sewage, rivers, aquifers, and public water supply ( .Everybody will be affected by this pollution, but who is affected the most in this world will be the poor countries. This is because they cannot afford money to get pure and safe water. For example, “in India more than 2 million people die every year from waterborne diseases most of them are children below 5 years of age.”(Steven Starr, 2008).Is it fair to charge them money, whereas the money comes from the ground? Or is it fair for some companies to sell products that require water to developing countries, not educating them on how to use it in a safe way. For example Nestle Company has sold their product to poor countries, knowing that these people don’t have pure water. As a result, many kids have died drinking nestle milk, which is mixed with dirty water. I would say that, water is one of the important needs in our life; this is because the human body needs 70% of water to form well. The shortage of water, has affected us in a bad way ( . I believe the all of us are responsible. This is because we are all using water and if we misuse the water or overdraft the water, it will lead in the end to a shortage of water. I think that not many people are aware of it, and in my opinion I think that government needs to raise the people's awareness through advertisements,and providing courses to young people.


1. Water Cycle, retrieved (2009). From Wikipedia the Free Encyclopedia, from website:

2. Water Crisis, retrieved (2009). From Wikipedia the Free Encyclopedia, from website:

3. (

Monday, December 14, 2009

Vocabulary (50 words)

LSEC 100 - Ext 702

Vocabulary Log Requirements

1- Afraid (Adjective): feeling fear; filled with apprehension.. My brother is afraid of the falcon.

2- Achievement (noun): something accomplished, esp. by superior ability, special effort, great courage, etc.; a great or heroic deed.. I work hard to increase my achievement.

3- Accommodation (noun): the act of accommodating; state or process of being accommodated; adaptation. I’m looking for a good salary with accommodation.

4- Believe (verb): to have confidence in the truth, the existence, or the reliability of something, although without absolute proof that one is right in doing so. I can’t believe Ali when he speaks.

5- Control (verb): to exercise restraint or direction over; dominate; command. Some people can’t control themselves when they are angry.

6- Account (noun): an oral or written description of particular events or situations; narrative: an account of the meetings.. My father has his own account in the bank.

7- Department (noun): a distinct part of anything arranged in divisions; a division of a complex whole or organized system. I need to go to the traffic department this week.

8- Level (noun): a device used for determining or adjusting something to a horizontal surface. Students are not on the same level of the thinking.

9- Kindness (noun): the state or quality of being kind. Her kindness is very clear.

10- Discuss (verb):To consider or examine by argument, comment, etc.; talk over or write about, esp. to explore solutions. We discussed the issue of cheating in exams.

11- Available (adjective): suitable or ready for use; of use or service. Portable computers are available in the Abu Dhabi mall.

12- Beautiful (noun): the concept of beauty. I have a beautiful cat.

13- Due (noun): something that is due, owed, or naturally belongs to someone. The match is postponed due to the rain.

14- Busy (adjective): actively and attentively engaged in work or a pastime. I am busy at the moment.

15- Because (conjunction): for the reason that; due to the fact that. I wear glass because I can’t see very well.

16- Number (noun): a numeral or group of numerals. I have a special phone number.

17- Reached (verb):to get to or get as far as in moving, going, traveling, etc. I reached the station very late.

18- Ridiculous (adjective): causing or worthy of ridicule or derision. It is ridiculous to wear short when it is very cold.

19- Salary (noun): a fixed compensation periodically paid to a person for regular work or services. My father's salary is around 40,000 AED.

20- Travel (verb): to go from one place to another, as by car, train, plane, or ship; take a trip; journey. I like to travel everywhere.

21- Technology (noun): the branch of knowledge that deals with the creation and use of technical means and their interrelation with life, society, and the environment, drawing upon such subjects as industrial arts, engineering, applied science, and pure science. Technology make the life easier.

22- View (noun): an instance of seeing or beholding; visual inspection. I like the view from the top of Hafeet mountain.

23- Weather (noun): the state of the atmosphere with respect to wind, temperature, cloudiness, moisture, pressure, etc. The weather is not good to make a trip.

24- Price (noun):the sum or amount of money or its equivalent for which anything is bought, sold, or offered for sale. Car prices are not stable these days.

25- Pizza (noun): a flat, open-faced baked pie of Italian origin, consisting of a thin layer of bread dough topped with spiced tomato sauce and cheese, often garnished with anchovies, sausage slices, mushrooms, etc. I like eating pizza at the dinner.

26- Second (noun): the second member of a series. I have my second exam in November.

27- Million (noun): a cardinal number, a thousand times one thousand. I would like to win one million dollars.

28- Change (verb): to make the form, nature, content, future course, etc., of (something) different from what it is or from what it would be if left alone. Weather changes are bad for us because they make us sick.

29- Separate (verb): to keep apart or divide, as by an intervening barrier or space. Use a strainer to separate a mixture.

30- Similar (adjective): having a likeness or resemblance, esp. in a general way. My neighbor has two similar cars.

31- System (noun): an assemblage or combination of things or parts forming a complex or unitary whole. The system in our college is very easy.

32- Preferred (verb) : to set or hold before or above other persons or things in estimation; like better; choose rather than. I prefer coffee to tea.

33- Population (noun): the total number of persons inhabiting a country, city, or any district or area. The UAE population is very small in comparison with Egypt.

34- Noisy (adjective): making much noise. Most of the children are noisy.

35- Often (adverb): many times; frequently. I often go to the zoo.

36- Special (adjective): of a distinct or particular kind or character. My birthday was a special day.

37- Follow (verb): to come after in sequence, order of time, etc. I always follow up with my youngest bother.

38- Correct (verb):to set or make true, accurate, or right; remove the errors or faults from. Our tests are corrected by computer.

39- Healthy (adjective):possessing or enjoying good health or a sound and vigorous mentality. Organic food is healthy.

40- Museum (noun): a building or place where works of art, scientific specimens, or other objects of permanent value are kept and displayed. I visited Al Ain museum last week.

41- Instead (adverb): as a substitute or replacement; in the place or stead of someone or something. I put salt instead of sugar in my tea.

42- Affect (verb):To act on; produce an effect or change in. The moon can affect the motion of water on land.

43- Degree (noun):any of a series of steps or stages, as in a process or course of action; a point in any scale. I’m looking for a diploma degree in business.

44- Equal (adjective): as great as; the same as (often fol. by to or with). All people are equal under the law.

45- Enough (adjective):adequate for the want or need; sufficient for the purpose or to satisfy desire: enough water. I don’t have enough money to buy a car.

46- Government (noun): the political direction and control exercised over the actions of the members, citizens, or inhabitants of communities, societies, and states; direction of the affairs of a state, community, etc.; political administration. Our government provides lot of opportunities of work.

47- Holiday (noun):a day fixed by law or custom on which ordinary business is suspended in commemoration of some event or in honor of some person. I’m going to Dubai next holiday.

48- Choice (noun): an act or instance of choosing; selection. There are many choices to get a work.

49- Attract (verb):to draw by a physical force causing or tending to cause to approach, adhere, or unite; pull (opposed to repel ). Unlike poles attract.

50- Audience (noun): the group of spectators at a public event; listeners or viewers collectively, as in attendance at a theater or concert. The audience was very excited during the play.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Project (Program Related Research Report)
ESEC 100
Part: 1
Computers in these days are very important to us, and they help us in many things in the life and show us how to improve our study. In college the most important thing which we take with us is the computer , so we use it to study in all programs. Studying without the computer will be hard. Also the computer develops outside of college. In this report I will describe the computer technology. Now I will start with the history. The computer was made in 1937 and it was very big. I was in a building with a weight of one hundred tons. After that they made it smaller until it could fit in a room. Also they used it to save the information. Today it is used for everything and every student must have a computer to feel comfortable with his study. Computer technology today is very good, as you see many new computer programs to make us understand more. So the Microsoft company helps us to have a nice and easy way to study. You may know the meaning of computer if the world works with computers, so in everything the computer system has come in, as you see in phones, cars and many things. This kind of technology has led us to improvements, in safety and efficiency. That means it improves our study and makes us better in our level. New computers have a crystal screen so your eyes are not tired and you can work on it more hours. This kind of technology will help us in future because it will have more new things like programs and new computers will be smaller than now and will use more technology. Don’t forget that the computer is one part of our life, and we can’t have an easy life without it.

Part: 2
The computer industry is not the largest industry—yet—but it will be number one by the turn of the century. The computer industry is already the most important industry.( Computer technological prowess is now considered a most important resource (if not the most important) by many companies and by many countries. Most industrial countries, including the U.S., Japan, Brazil, and several European nations, are funding specific programs and using incentives to catch up or get ahead in computer technology. The improvement in computer technology has been amazing in the last 35 years. In this area, the performance of the fastest computers has increased nearly a million times. At the same time, the price of computers has decreased by a factor of 1000. And, there is no end in sight. The performance and price of computers will continue to improve at very high speed. The improvement in this field has no end in sight. Modern technology has offered new devices like printers, scanners and mice that are highly equipped with lasers to input and output data more easily than before. Improvements in microprocessors and memory chips rapidly happened over the last few years especially in mass storage and printers. Computer technology has led to a great revolution and speed in all fields and aspects of life. For example, at the business level the computer technology has led to a great revolution and speed in all areas. E-commerce has brought a big difference in the business system. Now we don't need to send any currency. The buying and selling has been made through the adjustments in the bank accounts, through credit cards and debit cards. In education, colleges will go through many of the same changes as homes. Computers will allow teachers to do so much more for their classes.( Instead of simply lecturing on a topic, a teacher can download material off the internet, and then show that to students. Students will then be able to ask questions to renowned scholars and persons through online communication programs. Teachers will have access to incredible amounts of information to provide to their students. Teachers will begin to fill different roles as technology enters the classroom. A few days go I was watching the news, when they showed us modern eye glasses that can translate texts into many different languages in a few seconds( . This new technical eye glass is just a step towards the communication system, I expect within a few years people will be able to comminute without interpreters. This means that the translation is going to happen at the same moment . According to my expectation and the improvement which happened to computers, I think that a new mini computer is going to be fixed inside our ears which receives sound vibrations and translates them to the targeted languages. Also the technology will be more modern and will come easier with different ways to study so it helps us to improve our subject and any kind of study.

Part: 3

Sunday, November 8, 2009

LSEC N100 Research Skill 3
Comparing the Bugatti Veyron and Porsche

There are many favorite cars in the world. The most luxurious and wonderful car is the Porsche. However, there are powerful vehicles. The best is the Bugatti Veyron. Now I will compare these two cars and I will show the similarities and the differences.

There are differences and similarities and now I will start with the similarities. The first similarity is that the both are sport cars. The second similarity is that both are coupes. For example: they have only two doors. The final similarity is that the both the cars have engines at the back. There are many cars with engines at the front of the car and the others in the back. But in these cars the engine is at the back.

Now I will begin with the differences. The main difference is that the Porsche 911 turbo is expensive. However, the Bugatti Veyron is more expensiveFor example: the Porsche 911 turbo costs $137,360 but (Renolds, p.158), the Bugatti Veyron cost $ 1.6 million.( Schwartzapfel, p82) .Another difference is that the Porsche 911 turbo top speed is 192 mph (Renolds, p.158), but, the Bugatti Veyron top speed is 253 mph. That means the Bugatti Veyron (Schwartzapfel, p82) is faster than the Porsche911 turbo(Renolds, p.158),. The final difference is the weight of these two cars and it shows that the Bugatti Veyron is heavier than the Porsche 911 turbo. For example: the weight of the Bugatti Veyron is 5000 lb (Schwartzapfel, p82) However, the Porsche 911 turbo is 3650 lb. (Renolds, p.158).

In conclusion, despite the differences or the similarities between the two cars, they are considered two of the most desirable, luxurious, and classy cars in the whole world. I think the Bugatti Veyron is better than the Porsche 911 turbo because the Bugatti Veyron is more elegant and good.


Schwartzapfel, Stuart. "Bugatti’s Supreme Supercar; A spin along California's Pacific Coast Highway in the Veyron, the world's fastest, most expensive, production car." Business Week 17 Sept. 2007: 82. Student Resource center Gold. Web. 29 Oct. 2009.

Adams, Eric, Joe Brown, and Dan Lienert. "Auto Tech." Popular Science Dec. 2006: 71. Student Resource center Gold. Web. 29 Oct. 2009.

Renolds, Kim. "Topless Turbo: the 192-mph tanning booth." Motor Trend Sept. 2007: 158. Student Resource center Gold. Web. 29 Oct. 2009.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

1. What is plagiarism?
Using someone else's word's or ideas and representing them as your own.

2. What must you do to avoid plagiarizing?
Take careful and accurate notes as you research.

3. What style of referencing is accepted at HCT?
MLA Modern Language Association APA American Psychological Assouiation.

4. What are the five types of information that are often included when referencing from various sources?
Author's name, title of book, date, pages, published/magazine/website address

5. When creating a reference for a book what comes first?
Author's name.

6. What is the second item of information in a magazine reference?
The article title.

7. What is the last item of information in a magazine reference?
Page number.

8. What is the third item of information when referencing a website?
The title of the website.

9. What is last item of information when referencing a website?
Date visited

11. What comes before the URL in a database reference?

12. Where is the bibliography?
At the end

13. What is in the bibliography?

14. When giving the author's name which part of the name do you put first?
Family name.

15. How do you order items in the bibliography?

16. Besides, quotations, where do you use an inline citation?

17. What information goes in an inline citation?
Name , date

18. Name one citation machine that can help you?

19. Besides your teacher, who can help you with referencing?

20. In Google type, HCT plagiarism. Find the page which describes the consequences of plagiarism at HCT. state what this consequence is.

If you cheat you will be kicked from the college

About: Japan

The Resource:

1-Worldmark Encyclopedia of the Nations. Ed. Timothy L. Gall and Susan Bevan Gall. Online ed. Detroit: Gale, 2009.

2-Junior Worldmark Encyclopedia of the Nations. Ed. Timothy L. Gall and Susan Bevan Gall. Online ed. Detroit: U*X*L, 2009.

3-Junior Worldmark Encyclopedia of Foods and Recipes of the World. Ed. Karen Hanson. Vol. 4. Detroit: U*X*L, 2002.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

The dangers of trailers

It’s doesn’t mean that you are a good driver if you can dodge the stupid people driving around you. The only situation that worried the writer when driving is when he is towing something behind.
During towing a trailer, the driver is exposed to too many accidents. Probably the wheels will collapse or they can come off the hubs no matter how strong the vehicle is.
The risk when towing is due to the trailer not the vehicle itself. One day the writer rented a trailer and he was driving at night. When he got out of his car he smelled the something was burning. He found that the hubs had been destroyed. After that he called the owner and told him what happened and the owner was too sad. That was a small story about the writer.

• Magazine: Automobile.
• Article title: Tow no! - OR – Life's a hitch.
• Date: oct.2009
• Author: Ezra Dyer.
• Pages: 30-31.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Natural paradise gets protection

Part 1

The Hajar Mountains are in Fujairah where you can find the Wadi Wurayah where there are more than 100/species of birds and other animals. A big problem is that the concept, of a protected area is vague. This kind of area needs to be protected, because it faces some serious threats. On March 16, 2009 a decree was issued by the Ruler of Fujairah which said that the area is off-limits for development such as construction and quarrying. Wadi Wurayah is one of the few remaining places in the world where the endangered Arabian tahr still roams free. Also the protection plan calls for the hiring of local people to work as rangers to warn off poachers and this protected area will be set up so it meets international standards. The project would not have succeeded if it were not for money donated by HSBC Middle East. Finally it is hoped the management plan will help Wadi avoid the fate of other picturesque areas.

164 words.

Part 2
Main Idea:-
• The area needs to be protected because it faces some serious threats.
• It is one of the few remaining places in the world where the endangered Arabian tahr still roams free.
• The Wadi Warayah protected area will be set up so it meets international standards.

Part 3
I like this kind of reading. My opinion of the article is it’s very good and new. I want to visit this place which is Wadi Wurayah.

Monday, September 28, 2009


Dyslexia is a problem with processing specific info. It affects people who have trouble with reading and writing. The new research finds the dyslexia is caused by eye wobble. New technology has produced special spectacles. Also dyslexics don’t have enough magnocells and the Hi-tech spectacles might solve the problem, along with special reading exercises. It is hoped the new glasses will improve reading skills and solve the problem. Every year around 800 children mostly aged seven to twelve can be assessed. If the child is caught early, his brain is flexible enough to enable him to improve control.